
New AgriTourism Brand Launches in Johnson County

Posted April 24, 2024
Agritourism in Johnson County Iowa

Organized by Greater Iowa City, Inc. (Greater IC), local agritourism businesses spent the last year collaborating to create a collective brand. This brand will be used to promote rural businesses with tourism and agriculture experiences that showcase the area’s rich tapestry of farms, food, and fun. The brand name is Agri-CULTURE Iowa. The logo includes a harmonious blend of nature’s bounty and the business owners’ industrious spirit, representing the essence of Johnson County and surrounding area’s agricultural heritage. 


With a mission to elevate Johnson County as a premier destination, Agri-CULTURE Iowa is sowing seeds of awareness for the area’s flourishing agritourism businesses. The marketing will invite the public to cultivate a deeper connection with the land and the people who tend it. It will foster a destination where agriculture is not only a livelihood, but a lifestyle celebrated by all. The brand invites all to discover Agri-CULTURE Iowa businesses in Johnson County and surrounding areas – where every harvest tells a story, and every visit is an experience! 


Uniquely, this brand launch was a collaboration of many local farmers and ag-based businesses, including: Star Fall Meadow, Geyer Farms, Berry Basket Farms, BlueYah Farm, Lucky Star Farm, Local Foods, Field to Family, Kalona Supernatural, Colony Acres, Cedar Ridge Distillary, Wilson’s Apple Orchard, Walker Homestead, Calyx Creek Lavendar & Lodging, Essential Coffee, and Snaggy Ridge Road Coffee. These businesses came together with the shared goals and values of implementing sustainable practices, celebrating the farm-to-table journey, and offering a suite of agricultural experiences that captivate both residents and visitors alike. 


Agri-CULTURE Iowa invites other agritourism businesses to engage with their efforts and utilize the new brand. The group plans to release marketing materials for any agritourism business in Johnson County to use. The public can expect to start seeing the logo at businesses throughout rural Johnson County this summer, after the larger brand launch at the Johnson County Fair in July.  To get involved, contact Greater IC Director of Rural Development, Sarah Thompson at